#BarberSurgeons — socodistrict

Pick up one of our shop shirts on your next visit. Only 12 bucks! #barbersurgeons #barbershop #barber #socodistrict #fullerton


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	Pick up one of our shop shirts on your next visit. Only 12 bucks!...

More of our surgical tools displayed at the shop. We're here till 7 for your convenience. #barbersurgeons #barbershop #barber #socodistrict #fullerton


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	More of our surgical tools displayed at the shop. We're here till...

We will be here till 6, come have a seat. #barbersurgeons #Fullerton #socodistrict #barbershop #barber


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	We will be here till 6, come have a seat. #barbersurgeons #Fuller...

Some of the artwork displayed at our shop. Come get cleaned up before the weekend. #barbersurgeons #barbershop #barber #socodistrict #fullerton


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	Some of the artwork displayed at our shop. Come get cleaned up be...

Some of our tools for the finishing touches to our haircuts. #barbersurgeons #barbershop #barber #socodistrict #suavecitopomade


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	Some of our tools for the finishing touches to our haircuts. #bar...